Chris's Build 9/2005

--- wrote:

>   John.  Im having trouble trying to figure out what
> part or if there is two parts that goes just before
> the rear fin in between the deck and the rudder. 
> Ive got one piece that appears to go just after a
> step down after what looks like the top of a life
> boat.  That piece is not long enouphe to reach the
> fin.  Can you help me out.  Ive got the 36 inch
> model.

I think I actually know what your talking about.  I
think this picture might explain it:

now, if you notice, my rear fin is shifted back so it
is not flush with back of the boat. This is wrong, I 
compensated for it in my build with a second nose that
I made from scrap, just forward of the forward hatch,
below the nose raker support:

I should of realized, because if you look here:

you'll see that the seams of the superstructure don't
line up with the seams of the hull. 

This picture is showing the correct way to the back
end should line up:

Anyway, I hope my errors in build result in yours
being better.  

and don't forget the rest of the pics here:

they do a good job of showing the area in question:

But do take them with a grain of salt, as you have
pointed out, mine is not perfect.  

Please do let me know how you make out, and oh, put
the word "Nautilus" somewhere in the subject, I get 10
emails a day with the single word subject "question"
and they usually are people wanting to sell me viagra



> > --- wrote:
> > 
> > >   Ok, I see the part now.  I found the picture I
> was
> > > looking for.  Can I buy a piece of the hull, 
> My
> > > dog bit a hole in the number 5 section.  I can
> make
> > > a seamless repaire if I could get that section. 
> > > Thanks Chris

> > From: Jonathan Leslie 
> > Date: 2005/09/20 Tue AM 08:59:33 EDT
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Nautilus
> > 
> > No worries.  Repairs due to dog bites are covered
> in
> > the original purchase price ;)  Hull section 5,
> what
> > page is that from ? Also send me the mail address
> > again please.  
> > 

> --- wrote:
> >   Ok, Im not far from being done. How did you do the
> > raming spike on the front end and the little rods
> > that run from the hull to the prop guard?  Ive done
> > a few extra things to the model I think youll like. 
> > Thanks Chris
> > 
> > 

> From: Jonathan Leslie 
> Date: 2005/09/22 Thu AM 08:39:33 EDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: Submarine.
> the ramimg spike parts are on page 1, the upper left
> corner labeled spigot. It consists of four parts, the
> shaft looks like a rectangle with a colored glue tab,
> you must roll the part into a paper straw.  the other
> three parts are cones, or parts of cones, they also
> must be rolled only those are rolled on a diagonal.
> they will then be stacked, the two bigger ones forming
> an ice cream cone with a bend in it, and the thinnner
> one reduces the "ice cream cone" to fit on the shaft. 
> This picture has the best view of it:
> the prop guard support rods are on page 23, the upper
> right hand corner.  they are four rectangular shaped
> pieces with one of the short sides rounded.  you'll
> want to color the back sided of them grey or green. 
> Simply put them on a round pencil the long way and
> curve the piece, on second thought, you might even
> want to use one of those octogon cut pencils (the
> regular ones) or the original bic pens with the
> octogon shape, and actually press the part to mimic
> that shape.  Then the supports will keep with the
> victorian style, all sides flat motif, but still be
> 3D.  Here's a pic of what those supports should look
> like rounded:
> I wonder what they would look like with two seams
> instead...
> edgewise it would look something like this: \__/
> instead of the smooth curve as in the picture.  
> Well that's the beauty of the paper model, you have a
> lot of freedom to imbellish a model.
> Looking forward to how yours comes out, 
> Sincerely, 
> Jon

 --- wrote:
Ok Jon, here are some pics of the sub.  I copied the speedometer from one of your 
customers, I also replaced the paper windows with plastic ones.  I also used 
some scrap and made a life boat like on the plans.  I did a little airbrush work 
on it to give a little character.  I also put hand wheels on the hatches.  I 
did make a boo boo here and there.  I glued on the parlor lites up side down.  I 
still think it looks pretty good even so.  Hope you like it. Chris